Page 56 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 56
Rule 9 - Contests
Q. 9-16 Does the IHSAA stipulate any price for tickets other than for IHSAA Tournament
A. No, other than a recommendation that reasonable ticket prices be charged.
Q. 9-17 Does the omission of an admission charge make any difference as to the designation
of a Contest as a game?
A. No, games are Contests with or without admission charges.
Q. 9-18 A local service club in a community is interested in sponsoring an invitational
basketball tournament involving other member Schools. May they sponsor this
A. No, a member School may enlist the help of local service organizations to assist with
an event, but unless the IHSAA has granted an exception, all athletic Contests and
tournaments in which member Schools participate must be under the sponsorship
and the jurisdiction of a member School or the IHSAA. (rules 9-1, 9-2, 9-3)
Q. 9-19 Can a member School team play in a Contest sponsored by some non-school
A. No, all athletic Contests must be held under the direct supervision of a member
School, held under the direct supervision of a non-member School or held under
the direct supervision of the IHSAA. (rule 9-3, 9-15)
Intra-School Practice
Q. 9-20 Can a member a School’s freshmen or reserve team Practice with an athletic team
of a junior high school whose students automatically matriculate to the School?
A. Yes, provided the team is from a school which meets the definition of Feeder School.
(rule 9-4, See Definition of “Feeder School”)
Playing rules
Q. 9-21 Can Two (2) teams decide to set aside National Federation playing rules during a
Season Contest?
A. No. All Season Contests and all Tournament Series Contests must be conducted
under the National Federation rules, or in golf, under the USGA rules, unless the
IHSAA has modified the rules, in which event the rules, as modified by the IHSAA,
control. (rules 1-5, 51-60, 102-111)
Scrimmages and Jamborees
Q. 9-22 Is a Controlled Scrimmage considered to be a Practice or an Season Contest?
A. No. A Controlled Scrimmage is a special interscholastic activity whereby Two (2)
member Schools work out against one another under IHSAA guidelines and under
the direct supervision of their respective coaches. A Controlled Scrimmage does
not count as a Practice toward meeting the minimum number of Practices required
to play in a Season Contest, but also does not count as a Season Contest. (rules
50-6 & 101-6; See, Definitions).
Q. 9-23 How many separate days of Practices must a student have prior to his/her
participation in a Jamboree?
A. Prior to the day of the Jamboree a student must have participated in Five (5)
separate days of Practice (in football it must be Five (5) days of unrestricted full
contact Practice). (rules 50-7 & 101-7)
Appeal of Contest Decision
Q. 9-24 Is there an appeal of an Official’s decision after a Contest?
A. No, in all Contests the decision of an Official is final, binding and not subject to a
waiver or an appeal. (rules 9-5, 16-2, 17-8.1)
Unsanctioned Activities
Q. 9-25 Can a School’s team play in a Controlled Scrimmage or in a Contest as a preliminary
to a Non-School event (e.g., a college contest, a professional contest, etc.?
A. No. (rule 9-7)
Filming and Use of Films
Q. 9-26 May films, pictures or videotapes be used for coaching purposes during a Contest?
A. Yes, mechanical visual aid equipment may be used by team members and by
coaches for coaching purposes during, but only in accordance the sport’s playing
rules. (rule 9-18)