Page 57 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 57
Rule 9 - Contests
Q. 9-27 May a person film or videotape, for scouting purposes, athletic teams in a Contest
in which the person’s School is not playing?
A. No, filming or videotaping for scouting purposes of any Contest by any person who
is not an official representative of One (1) of the participating Schools is prohibited.
(rules 9-18)
Q. 9-28 May a parent film or videotape an athletic Contest in which the parent’s child is
A. Yes, filming or photographing by a parent of a Contest is permitted, under the IHSAA
Photography Policy. It is only when the filming or photography is being done for
scouting purposes will there be a violation of the Contest Rule. (rule 9-18.3)
Use of Oxygen
Q. 9-29 May oxygen be used by athletes in any Contest?
A. No oxygen shall be administered to athletes in any Contest except in genuine
emergencies by persons qualified to administer such oxygen. (rule 9-12)
School Strike Situations
Q. 9-30 May a student attending a School, which is subject to a labor strike, attend a Practice
with a team from a School which is not subject to a labor strike?
A. No, and if a student attends a Practice with a student attending another School
during the Contest Season, that attendance is considered a Contest. (rule 9-14).
Q. 9-31 May a School that is on strike host an interschool athletic Contest?
A. Yes, while the athletic Contests must be conducted under the IHSAA rules, the
authority to schedule an athletic Contest, or an athletic practice, rests with the
member School. (rules 9-1, 9-2)
Mixed School Teams
Q. 9-32 May Two (2) or more member Schools combine to form One (1) athletic team?
A. No, this is not permitted, unless the Schools legally consolidate and becomes a
single School. (rule 12-4)
Q. 9-33 If a student gets injured after the initial Five (5) days of pre-season Practice, and
then misses eight (8) consecutive days of Practice, how many days of Practice must
a student participate in before the student is eligible to participate in a Contest?
A. When a student misses Eight (8) to Fourteen (14) consecutive days of Practice &
Contests, the student must actively participate in Four (4) days of practice to be
eligible for participation in a Contest, however in this instance, where the student
failed to complete the original pre-season Practice requirement of Ten (10) separate
days, the student has to participate in an addition One (1) day of Practice, for a total
of Five (5) days of Practice, to also satisfy the pre-season Practice requirement.
(rule 9-14)
Q. 9-34 Can a varsity girls basketball player, who must complete Four (4) days of Practices
because she missed too many consecutive days of Practices & Contests, as required
by rule 9-14, complete these Practices by joining a girls JV basketball team Practice
or a boys freshman basketball team practice?
A. Yes, each required rule 9-14 Practice must be in the student athlete’s sport and be
conducted on a separate day, but can be conducted by any Accredited coach in
the student’s sport.
Q. 9-35 Can a football Practice session required by rule 9-14 be a virtual Practice session
or a special film-review session offered just for the football players who missed too
many Practices and Contests?
A. No, while a school can arrange to have special Practice sessions of normal length for
any student or students who need to complete a number of Practices because of rule
9-14, the Practice sessions must be of normal length and the students must actively
participate in them. The reason for this Rule is to help students get re-acclimated
to the physical participation aspect of the sport through in-person participation, and
while virtual Practice session are more common now and film review sessions are
a component of some regular Practices, they are both unacceptable for purposes