Page 59 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 59
Rule 10 - Interstate Contests and Practices
at least ninety (90) calendar days prior to the Contest.
10-1.3 National High School Championships
IHSAA and National Federation do not sanction participation in interstate meets, tournaments
or other Contests to qualify and/or determine a national high school championship. IHSAA
will not sanction any baseball, basketball, soccer, softball or volleyball tournament involving
more than Sixteen (16) schools.
10-2 Sanctioning of International Contests
International competition requires sanctioning by IHSAA and National Federation. Application
forms are available from IHSAA and must be submitted by host School at least Sixty (60)
days prior to the Contest.
10-3 Student Participation as School Representative in Non-IHSAA Sanctioned State
Competitions Prohibited
Students shall not represent their School as a team member or individual in state tourneys or
state meets in IHSAA recognized sport/s which are not under the auspices of IHSAA.
10-4 Mileage Limitation on Team Practices
Team practices out-of-state shall not exceed One-hundred Twenty (120) miles round trip from
the Indiana state line.
Q & A
Team Travel - Generally
Q. 10-1 Can a member School participate in a single Contest with a School from another
A. Yes, under the Interstate Contest/Practice Rule a member School can participate
in a single Contest with a School from another state, provided the out-of-state
School is currently a member of the local state high school athletic association, the
out-of-state School has not been expelled or suspended from such membership,
the out-of-state School has not been suspended from participation in the sport by
the local state high school athletic association and provided further that the street
address of the out-of-state School and the location of the site of the Contest are
not greater than Six Hundred (600) miles, round trip, from the Indiana state line.
(rules 9-15, 10-1, 10-1.1).
Q. 10-2 May an IHSAA member School play in a basketball, baseball, soccer, softball or
volleyball tournament in Kansas?
A. No, the Contest in Kansas is more than Six -hundred (600) miles round trip from
the Indiana state line. (rule 10-1)
Q. 10-3 What is the maximum distance a member School team can travel to attend an
out-of-state Contest?
A. A member School team can travel a maximum of Six Hundred (600) miles round
trip from the Indiana state line to the site of the out-of-state Contest. In addition,
in order for a member School to participate in such an out-of-state Contest under
the Interstate Contest/Practice Rule, rule 10, the street address of any out-of-state
School participating in the out-of-state Contest must be within a Six Hundred
(600) miles round trip from the Indiana state line. (rule 10-1)
Q. 10-4 Is it necessary that a football game between a member School and an out-of-state
School be Sanctioned by the National Federation and the IHSAA?
A. No. Under the Interstate Contest/Practice Rule, rule 10, Sanctioning is not
necessary for a single Contest with an out-of-state School (rule 10-10-1.1)
Out-of-State Contest
Q. 10-5 Can an IHSAA member School play in a basketball, baseball, soccer, softball
or volleyball Tournament involving Seventeen (17) or more other schools from
states all bordering Indiana?
A. No, sanctioning is not available for a Tournament in the sport of basketball,
baseball, soccer, softball or volleyball which involves more than Sixteen (16)
Schools. (rule 10-1.3)
Out-of-State Practice
Q. 10-6 Can a football team hold a Practice in an out-of-state facility?
A. Yes, provided that it is not a pre-season football Practice, which must be held
at the regular practice/playing football facility of the member School, and also
provided that the location of the out-of-state facility is a maximum of One Hundred