Page 111 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 111

Rule 19 - Eligibility and Transfer

                    requiring a driver’s license or similar licensure does not qualify for full eligibility
                    under the rule.
         Q. 19-21    Can a student transfer to a Receiving School and obtain full eligibility under
                    sections 19-6.1(n) and 19-6.3(b)(4), if the student’s father accepted his new
                    position at the Receiving School a year prior to the transfer?
         A.         No. The event or occurrence  which  permits a  student’s full eligibility at  a
                    Receiving School under section  19-6.1(n) is the  parent’s  acceptance  of a
                    position at the Receiving School, and under section 19-6.3(b)(4), the student
                    must enroll at Receiving School no later than the 15th day of the first semester
                    or trimester following  that event  (the  parent’s acceptance of the position).
                    Here, since the father’s accepted the position a year ago, the student would
                    have had to Enroll at the Receiving School no later than the 15th day of the
                    first semester or trimester following that acceptance, and since that date has
                    passed, the student here would not qualify for full eligibility under rules 19-
                    6.1(n) and  19-6.3(4).
         Moves Between Parental Households
         Q. 19-22   If a family owns a business that serves several school Districts, owns a home
                    in Two (2) different Districts, the father and the student live in a Public School
                    District A and the student attends the Public School in District A, the mother
                    live in the apartment in Public School District B, and because of supervisory
                    considerations, it is decided that the student should live with the mother in
                    Public School District B and should attend School B, will the student be granted
                    full eligibility?
         A.         No, the student would be granted Limited Eligibility, since a single family unit
                    may not maintain Two (2) or more residences for athletic eligibility purposes,
                    unless the student would qualify for full eligibility under another provision of
                    rule 19. (rule 19-6.2; See definition of Bona Fide move)
         Q. 19-23   If a student, who has been living in another state with the student’s divorced
                    mother, who has legal custody, moves to live with the student’s father and
                    Enrolls at the IHSAA member School which Serves the Residence of the father,
                    may the student be eligible at the new School?
         A.         Yes, provided this is the first or second move between parents.  (rule 19-6.1(b))
         Q. 19-24   Does the existence of a broken home, separated parents, or other factors
                    mean that eligibility in terms of residence will automatically be granted?
         A.         No, each of these circumstances is only a factor which permits the Commissioner
                    or his designee to review the individual circumstances of the student’s case
                    and make a ruling on the basis of an investigation and the provisions of the
                    By-Laws. (rules 19, 17-8)
         Emancipated Student
         Q. 19-25    Can an Emancipated Student, who transfers to a Public School which does
                    not serve the residence of his/her parents, get full eligible under rule 19-6.1(i)?
         A.         Yes.  However, the eligibility of an Emancipated Student under rule 19-6.1(i)
                    turns, not upon the School serving the parents’ residence, but upon the School
                    serving the Emancipated Student’s residence.  So, if the Emancipated Student
                    can establish his/her residence is in a new District which Serves the Public
                    School where the Emancipated Student Enrolled, the Emancipated Student
                    should get full eligibility under rule 19-6.1(i).
         Q. 19-26    If a student’s parents determine that it is in the student’s best interests for
                    the student to live with the student’s grandparents, and the parents arrange
                    for the grandparents to become the legal Guardians of the student, and the
                    student then moves in with the grandparents and enrolls at the Public School
                    Serving the grandparents’ residence, will the student get full eligibility under
                    rule 19-6.1?
         A.         No.  A legal guardianship established for the purpose of making a student
                    eligible will not support a full eligibility ruling under rule 19-6.1(c)(2), and here
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