Page 112 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 112

Rule 20 - Undue Influence

                    it appears that the grandparent’s legal guardianship was established for the
                    purpose of making the student eligible.
         Foreign Exchange Transfers
         Q. 19-27   Is a foreign exchange student, attending an IHSAA member School, fully eligible
                    to participate in athletics?
         A.         Yes, provided the student is attending under a CSIET-approved program and
                    all of the requirements contained in foreign exchange rule have been met and
                    followed.  If the foreign exchange student cannot meet the foreign exchange
                    rule, the student will likely be granted Limited Eligibility. (rules 19-6.1(m), 19-
                    6.2, 19-7)
         Q. 19-28   May a foreign student request placement in a specified school?
         A.         Yes, however under such circumstances the student would not qualify for full
                    eligibility under the foreign exchange transfer rule.  Instead, since the foreign
                    exchange student would be unable to meet the foreign exchange rule, the
                    student would receive Limited Eligibility, unless the student would qualify for
                    full eligibility under another provision of rule 19. (rule 19-7.2)
         Q. 19-29   May a foreign exchange student obtain full eligibility for more than a One (1)
                    year period?
         A.         No, foreign exchange students may be granted full eligible for Varsity athletics
                    for One (1) year, and if the student remains, the student would be treated as an
                    incoming transfer student who had transferred without a corresponding change
                    of residents by the student’s parents, and would have Limited Eligibility, unless
                    the student were able to qualify for full eligibility under another provision of rule
                    19. (rule 19-7.1(c))
         Practices following a School Transfer
         Q. 19-30    Will Practice sessions attended by a student at a Sending School count at the
                    Receiving School after the student’s transfers to the Receiving School?
         A.         Yes.  A student’s Practice sessions at a prior School may count toward the
                    minimum Practice requirements of the Practice Attendance Rules (rules 9-14,
                    50-1, 101-1), provided records of the Practices are on file with the Sending
         Discipline following a School Transfer
         Q. 19-31    Does a student’s disciplinary ineligibility penalty at a Sending School carry
                    over to the Receiving School following the student’s transfer to the Receiving
         A.         Yes.  Under rule 3-8(b), a student under an ineligibility penalty at a Sending
                    School is under the same ineligibility penalty at the Receiving School.

         20-1 Recruitment Prohibited
         The recruitment or attempted recruitment of a prospective student, through the use of undue
         infl uence, is prohibited.  Undue infl uence is the act of encouraging or inducing a prospective
         student to attend a school for athletic purposes.
          a.  It is a violation of this rule for a prospective student to be unduly influenced, with or without
            the offer of a tangible benefit.
          b.  Any successful or unsuccessful attempt to recruit a prospective student through the use of
            undue influence will subject the school(s) benefited, or to be benefited, by the recruitment
            to sanctions to be determined by the Commissioner.
          c.  If, following any recruitment through the use of undue influence, a prospective student enrolls
            at a member school, the prospective student will be ineligible for athletics in accordance
            with the penalty described at Rule 19-4.
          d.  The offer or the acceptance of any of the following shall constitute prima facie evidence
            of undue influence:
              (1.)  money or other valuable consideration for the prospective student or the prospective
               student’s parent(s), guardian(s) or family,
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