Page 114 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 114

Rule 20 - Undue Influence

            student’s Tenth (10th) birthday, recruited by an individual or agency which has a reputation
            or history of recruiting students who have shown athletic talent, have shown potential
            athletic talent or whose physical appearance was consistent with those of an athlete, to
            relocate to a location, facility or educational institution for the purpose, at least in part, of
            participating in athletics.
          c.  The operation of this rule will not limit a student during the time the student is enrolled
            at and attending a member school, while the student is residing with his/her parent(s) or
            bona fide guardian(s).
         20-4 Financial Aid Programs
         All funds for or adjustments to tuition, room and board must be awarded under an objectively
         determined, need-based fi nancial aid program.  No new or existing student may accept, be
         off ered or be given funds, or have funds paid on behalf of the student, for tuition, room or
         board, at a member school, and no member school may award funds or make adjustments
         for tuition, room or board, for a new or existing student, unless such funds or adjustment are
         awarded under such an objectively determined, need-based fi nancial aid program.
          a.  An acceptable financial aid program must utilize a standardized application process which
            requires an applicant to submit financial data to an independent evaluation organization,
            which then makes assessments of and recommendations for financial assistance based
            upon the financial resources of the student and his/her family.
          b.  Any award of a scholarship, financial aid, a waiver or an adjustment of tuition, room or
            board, which varies from the objectively determined recommendations constitutes a form
            of undue influence and violates this rule.  However, a variance from the recommendations
            may be made, provided the variance is consistently applied on a program wide basis.
         20-5  Limitation on Participation and Contact with a Representative of a School’s Athletic
         Program by a Prospective Transfer Student.
         a.  No transfer student may have contact with any member of the athletic program of the
            prospective transfer School prior to Enrollment at that School, unless the member of the
            athletic program is in some non-athletic capacity, such as admissions, counseling, etc.,
            and the contact involves only non-athletic matters.
         b.  No transfer student may, prior to Enrollment, Practice with or participate in a Contest for
            a prospective transfer School.
         20-6 Coaches Prohibited From Practices and Contests at Non-Feeder Schools and From
         Visiting Homes of Non-Feeder School Students
         Coaches from member School programs may only visit the Practices and/or Contests of their
         respective Feeder School/s.
          a.  “Coaches” include contracted and volunteer, high school and middle/junior high, and anyone
            representing the respective School or athletic program for the purposes of searching out
            and contacting students and/or parents for the encouragement of enrollment for the purpose
            of athletic participation at a particular School.
          b.  Representatives of a School’s athletic program may not visit the homes of non-Feeder
            School students or use other means of communication for the purpose of encouraging
            enrollment and athletic participation at a particular School.
          c.  Coaches of Non-School Teams may not be used as agents to direct non-Feeder School
            students to another school.
         20-7 Contact Between Parents of Non-Feeder School Students and Coaches Prohibited
         Parents of a student from a non-Feeder School that makes contact with a member School
         should be referred to the Principal.
          a.  Initial meetings shall not be with athletic department personnel.
          b.  While families have the right to attend athletic events at a non-Feeder School, special
            invitations, preferential seating or free admission shall not be a part of their attendance.
         20-8 Attendance at High School Camps and Clinics by Non-Feeder School Student
         Following their eighth grade year, students may not attend a high school’s athletic camps or
         clinics unless they are attending a Feeder School or have Enrolled in the sponsoring school.
         Athletic brochures, special invitations, camp fliers, etc. shall not be issued to select students
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