Page 113 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 113
Rule 20 - Undue Influence
(2.) Free or reduced tuition, room or board for the prospective student, provided, however
that schools which charge tuition or which may make room and board available to
students, may adjust tuition, room and/or board for children of faculty members
provided there is no undue influence or under an objectively determined need-based
financial aid program for tuition, room and/or board,
(3.) Pay for work that is not performed or that is in excess of the amount regularly paid
for such service for the prospective student,
(4.) Free or reduced cost transportation for the prospective student,
(5.) A residence for the prospective student with a person connected with or who is a
supporter of the school,
(6.) Any privilege, remuneration or inducement not afforded to non-athletes, or not
uniformly available to all students, for the prospective student,
(7.) Free or reduced rent for the prospective student or the prospective student’s parent(s),
guardian(s) or family,
(8.) Payment of moving expenses for or assistance with the moving for the prospective
student or the prospective student’s parent(s), guardian(s) or family,
(9.) Employment for the prospective student or the prospective student’s parent, guardian
or family members in order to entice a move to a certain community.
e. The penalties provided at rule 17-7.1, notwithstanding:
(1.) any violation of rule 20 by a student may result in severe sanctions which may include
permanent ineligibility for the student
(2.) the submission of false information and/or withholding information may result in severe
sanctions which may include permanent ineligibility for the student and Suspension
from Membership by the school involved.
20-2 Past Link
a. A transfer student who has a Past Link with a Receiving School to which the student
transfers shall be ineligible at that Receiving School for Three Hundred Sixty-Five (365)
days following the student’s enrollment at the Receiving School.
b. A Past Link means that any of the following occurred:
(1.) The transfer student attended a Practice session, a Limited Contact session or a
Summer Open Facility session at the Receiving School during the Twelve (12) months
period prior to the student’s Enrollment at the Receiving School,
(2.) The transfer student played on or in a summer, a School sponsored or a Non-School
sponsored sports (e.g. AAU) team or program which had a coach, manager, trainer,
volunteer or employee who was a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at
the Receiving School at the time the transfer student enrolled at the Receiving School,
or had been a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at the Receiving School
anytime during the Twelve (12) month period prior to the student’s enrollment at the
Receiving School, or became a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at
the Receiving School anytime during the Ninety (90) day period after the student’s
enrollment at the Receiving School.
(3.) The transfer student received instruction from a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer
or employee who was a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at the Re-
ceiving School at the time the transfer student enrolled at the Receiving School, or
had been a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at the Receiving School
anytime during the Twelve (12) month period prior to the student’s enrollment at the
Receiving School, or became a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at
the Receiving School anytime during the Ninety (90) day period after the student’s
enrollment at the Receiving School.
20-3 History of Recruitment
a. In addition to any limitation of a student’s eligibility under any other rule herein, any student
who has a history of athletic recruitment shall be entitled to no greater than Limited Eligibility
during the time the student is attending a member school.
b. A student with a history of athletic recruitment is a student who was, at any time after the