Page 35 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 35
Rule 3 - Administrative Responsibility
A. It is presumed that the principal of a member School secured the consent of the
administrative head of the School system to take out voluntary Membership in the
IHSAA and that the principal is the administrative head, not only in name but in
fact, of the interschool athletic activities of the School and of the students in the
school. (rule 3-1) Wherever it is determined that the School principal is not the
administrative head in name and in fact of the interschool athletic activities and
of the students in the member School, the member School will have broken its
agreement with the IHSAA and may be removed from Membership in the IHSAA.
The burden of proof shall rest in all cases with the School official’s concerned
(rules 3-1, 17-7.1).
Q. 3-2 Is there a responsibility for member Schools to self-report rule violations?
A. Yes. It is the responsibility of each member School to control its athletic program
in full and complete compliance with the rules and rulings of the IHSAA, which
embraces the IHSAA By-Laws, the IHSAA General Eligibility Rules, the IHSAA
Sports Rules, the Unified Sports® Rules, the IHSAA Junior Member Rules, as
well as all IHSAA policies, regulation and rulings (rules 3-1, 3-6, 3-8, 3-9) This
responsibility includes the obligation of a member School to report to the IHSAA
the occurrence of any act or event which has resulted, or which may result, in
a violation of an IHSAA rule or ruling by a member School, a member School’s
faculty member, including the coaching staff, a member School’s student or a
member School’s fan and supporter. For example, if a member School is made
aware that One (1) of its student may have violated the participation rule, rule
15, it is the responsibility of the member School to report such potential violation
to the IHSAA, so that the IHSAA can investigate and determine whether a rule
violation has occurred, and can issue the appropriate penalties under the IHSAA
Suspension of Membership
Q. 3-3 What types of violations could cause a member School to be suspended?
A. The penalties for any violation of the Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws, the
General Eligibility Rules, the IHSAA Sports Rules, the Unified Sports® Rules and
any established policy, regulation or rulings of the IHSAA are described in rule 17-7.
However, any of, but not limited to, the following reasons could cause a member
School’s Suspension from Membership:
a. violations of the Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws, the General Eligibility
Rules, the IHSAA Sports Rules, the Unifi ed Sports® Rules and any established
policy, regulation or rulings of the IHSAA (rule 17-7.1);
b. failure of the principal to assume direct responsibility for the School’s interschool
athletic program (rules 3-1, 17-7.1);
c. refusal to abide by the decisions of the Commissioner or Committee (rule 17-
d. violation of the Undue Infl uence Rule (rules 17-7.1, 20);
e. violation of contracts with another member School. (rules 11, 17-7.1);
f. violation of a game offi cial’s contracts (rules 3-1, 17-7.1);
g. knowingly using an ineligible player (rules 3-8, 17-7.1);
h. failure to provide adequate security and/or police protection (rules 3-1. 3-6, 17-
i. removing an individual or team from a Contest because of dissatisfaction with
the offi ciating, etc. (rules 9-16, 17-7.1);
j. failure to control the spectators and players’ bench (rules 3-1. 3-6, 17-7.1);
k. failure to adequately protect offi cials and visiting team (rules 3-1. 3-6, 17-7.1);
l. violation of Practice and Contest Season limitations and rules (rules 17-7.1, 50,
m. mutual agreements to violate the rules of the IHSAA (rules 9-2, 17-7.1).