Page 36 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 36

Rule 3 - Administrative Responsibility

         Requirements of the Consent and Release Certification
         Q. 3-4   Must a student provide to the student’s School a completed and signed Consent
                and Release Certifi cate form prior to the student’s participation in the fi rst Practice?
         A.     Yes, the completed and signed Consent and Release Certifi cate form will satisfy
                the requirement for participation in interschool athletics. (3-10, 3-11) (See rule 9-14
                for Practice requirements)
         Q. 3-5   If a student athlete lives in a One (1) parent household, must the student obtain the
                signatures of both parents on the IHSAA Consent and Release Certifi cate form?
         A.     The IHSAA Consent and Release Certifi cate form must contain the signature of all
                custodial parents. (rule 3-10)
         Q. 3-6   Does a student need to have submitted a completed and signed IHSAA Consent and
                Release Certifi cate form prior to participating in a Summer Open Facility Program
                or a Limited Contact Program?
         A.     No.  The IHSAA does not require students have a completed and signed IHSAA
                Consent and Release Certificate form submitted prior to the student’s participating
                in an Summer Open Facility Program or a Limited Contact Program, although the
                School may have such a requirement.  A student must provide to the student’s
                School a completed and signed IHSAA Consent and Release Certificate form prior
                to the student’s participation in a Practice.  (rule 3-10)
         Ineligibility follows the Student
         Q. 3-7   Does disciplinary ineligibility in One (1) School carry over to the second School
                when a student transfers?
         A.     Yes, a student must be eligible in all respects at the School from which the student
                transferred. And this means that an ineligibility ruling under the rules of a prior School
                shall carry over to the new School even though the student would be eligible under
                the rules at the new School. (rule 3-8)
         School Representative at a Contest
         Q. 3-8   Must the member School principal be personally present at all interschool athletic
         A.     No. The member School principal is responsible to insure proper representation

                by offi cially designating personnel.  “Proper representation”  requires the presence
                of a faculty member or other certifi ed or non-certifi ed person who meets the coach
                qualifi cation requirements.  While a coach is a proper representative, if a coach
                who is the only School representative present, is ejected from a Contest, the School
                may not continue to participate and the Contest should be terminated and forfeited
                to the opponent. (rules 3-2, 3-3, 3-4)
         Q. 3-9    Is there a diff erent supervision requirement for a student participating in an Individual
                Sport Tournament Series than a student participating in a Team Sport Tournament
         A.     No, the supervision requirement is the same for Individual Sport entrants as for
                Team Sport Entrants. (rule 3-4)
         Certification of Eligibility
         Q. 3-10   Who is responsible for certifying that a student athlete is eligible for interscholastic
         A.     A student’s principal has the responsibility to certify the eligibility of all students at
                the School, for maintaining suffi cient records to verify each student’s compliance

                with all eligibility rules and, upon the request of a fellow member School principal,
                or upon a request from the IHSAA, to provide written certifi cation of a student’s
                eligibility. (rule 3-8)
         Q. 3-11  When the eligibility of a student is in question, what procedure should be followed?
         A.     The student should not be permitted to participate until the student’s principal has
                made a determination of eligibility in conjunction with the IHSAA, if appropriate.
                (rule 3-8)

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