Page 34 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 34

Rule 3 - Administrative Responsibility

                          CONSENT AND RELEASE CERTIFICATES
         3-10 Completion of Athletic Physical, Consent, Acknowledgement of Risks and
         Release Form
          a.  Between April  1  and  student’s  first  Practice  in  preparation  for  interschool  athletic
            (1.)  the student shall have a physical examination by, a physician holding an unlimited
               license to practice medicine, a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant who shall
               clear the student for athletic participation using the current IHSAA Pre-Participation
               Evaluation form;
            (2.)  the parent/s or Guardian/s  shall give written consent  for such  participation, shall
               acknowledge the risks of athletic participation and shall release and hold harmless
               the IHSAA and all member Schools from liability, unless the student is emancipated
               and then the Emancipated Student shall consent, acknowledge, and release and hold
               harmless, using the current IHSAA Consent, Acknowledgement and Release form;
            (3.)  the student shall acknowledge the risks of athletic participation and shall release and
               hold harmless the IHSAA and all member Schools from liability, using the current
               IHSAA Consent, Acknowledgement and Release form;
            (4.)  the parent/s or Guardian/s shall consent, unless the student is emancipated, and
               then the Emancipated Student shall consent, to the  disclosure by the School, to
               the IHSAA, of all requested detailed financial (athletic or otherwise), scholastic and
               attendance records of the School, including records which may concern or be related
               to the student unless the student is emancipated in which event the student shall give
               such consent; and
            (5.)  the parent/s, Guardian/s and student shall consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and
               venue of courts in Marion County, Indiana for all claims and disputes between and
               among the IHSAA and the parent/s, Guardian/s, and/or student, including but not
               limited to, any claims or disputes involving Membership, eligibility, or rule violation
               using the current IHSAA Consent, Acknowledgement and Release form.
          b.  The fully completed IHSAA Pre-Participation Evaluation and the Consent, Acknowledgement
            and Release/Hold Harmless Certificate shall be on file in the office of the principal or
            his/her designee prior to the student’s first Practice.  Such certificate may suffice for the
            entire school year. Unless the fully completed IHSAA Pre-Participation Evaluation and the
            Consent, Acknowledgement and Release is on file in the office of the principal or his/her
            designee the student shall be ineligible to participate in a Practice session or any interschool
            Contests. This section of the rule cannot be waived.
          c.  The  Commissioner,  after  consultation  with  medical  professionals and  others,  (i) may
            change the date when a student must have the medical physical evaluation completed,
            have  the IHSAA Pre-Participation Evaluation form  completed  and  have  the  Consent,
            Acknowledgement  and  Release/Hold Harmless  Certificate  form  completed,  (ii)  may
            lengthen or shorten the frequency a student must have the medical physical evaluation
            completed, have the IHSAA Pre-Participation Evaluation form completed and have the
            Consent, Acknowledgement and Release/Hold Harmless Certificate form completed and
            (iii) may permit an incoming freshman student to utilize such student’s medical physical
            evaluation from middle/junior high school and such student’s Pre-Participation form from
            middle/junior high school, to satisfy this rule.
         3-11 Physician Statement Authorizing Participation Following Absence
         Students properly certified to participate in interschool athletic activities, who are absent from
         School for five consecutive days due to illness or injury or who are physically unable to Practice
         for five consecutive days due to illness or injury, must present to their principal a statement
         from a physician holding an unlimited license to practice medicine, a nurse practitioner or a
         physician assistant, that they are again physically fit to participate in interschool athletics. (See
         rule 9-14 for Practice requirements.)
         Q & A
         Administrative Responsibility -- Generally
         Q. 3-1   Who is the responsible party in IHSAA athletics?
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